After a life-changing encounter with Jesus in 1997, Nate, as a young man, hit the road with a team of young people going city to city and nation to nation, proclaiming the Gospel.
Since that time, Nate and Rute together have traveled to over 30 nations on 5 continents proclaiming and teaching the ‘Good News’ Gospel with signs and wonders following. Their passion is to bring a message of God’s grace and love in the power of the Holy Spirit to the least reached peoples of the world.
In 2011 Nate and Rute Tanner launched L3 international with a vision to reach the world’s overlooked and forgotten people.
L3 is seeing the ‘least, the lost and the last’ impacted by the ‘Good News Gospel’ in some of the hardest to reach places.
The strategic mission of L3 can be summarized in three-words: Equip, Activate and Proclaim
L3 also is actively involved in mercy ministries in Africa, with an orphanage in Zambia, as well as multiple programs that establish leaders in the truth of the Gospel. Every year up to 5 evangelistic campaigns are conducted. The evangelistic campaigns are the catalyst for long term work in a region. They bring local believers together to pray and share Jesus with their communities. The Home of Hope orphanage in Zambia was born out of such initiatives.
To date, Nate and Rute have been a part of leading over one-million people to faith in Jesus Christ across the world.
Their ministry organization is based out of Kansas City, MO where they, together with their two children (Gabriel and Amiliya), make their home.
Vision and mission of L3
- Training and Equipping: Conferences and workshops are held with the sole purpose of equipping believers for a lifestyle of supernatural evangelism.
- Mobile Bible Schools: Through partnerships we have planted multiple small bible schools in Africa that are discipling and training leaders.
- Resources and Translations: We have been involved in translating and distributing tens of thousands of books and bibles to help establish believers in the good news of the Gospel.
- Church Planting: We are assisting in focused church planting initiatives in Zambia and Tanzania.
- Intensives and Internships: We are developing short term intensive as well as yearlong internship programs, designed to raise up a generation of who knows their God and will show forth His love and power in the nations.
- Mission trips: We offer multiple mission trips each year, where believers can go to the nations to serve, share Jesus and make an impact in the lives of others.
- Holistic: Working holistically in both scope and outreach, we seek to make a measurable difference by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people. (Home of Hope Orphanage, the farming project, and medical clinics in Zambia are examples)
- Intentional: In everything we do, we strategically seek to reach the least, lost and last with the Gospel.
- Evangelistic. We are committed to the simplicity of the Gospel, proclaimed with Signs Wonders and in Power
- Gospel Campaigns: Every year we facilitate between four and six campaign-style outreaches. Whole communities have been touched by the Gospel, as tens of thousands of people will gather in open fields to hear the Gospel- many for the first time.
- Empowering and Releasing: We seek to provide opportunities and mentorship for upcoming young evangelists to develop their gifts.
- Relevant:Our desire is to be relevant to the unsaved in both method and message. Through utilization of extreme sports, hip hop dance, and young evangelists, we have successfully impacted groups who would otherwise never hear the message.
L3International Website: http://l3international.org/